
New Year's Resolutions?

I don't even know what those are.

Why would I?

I could make some joke about how everyone abandons them a week after conception, but I'm not your uncle and that's not my schtick. Sorry.

Of course I kind of made one anyway. Lots of people over the internet have pushed this idea into my brain that you should pick a theme word for the upcoming year instead of making resolutions. I'm so ambitious, I did both.

I have a laundry list of resolutions, but one phrase stands out to me as my 2015 Theme:


This refers to my tendency to let things slip by the wayside. To make plans that I consciously choose not to care about later on in my day.

I want to apply this to my school work, my job, keeping house, regularly cooking dinner, and my gym schedule. I need to drastically improve these areas of my life if I want to take control of it.

This is a short post, but I'm curious. Do you prefer specific resolutions or a theme? What's your main goal this year?

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