
Arguments Against Young Marriage That I Will Never Ever Understand

I'm 20 and I've been engaged for over a year. Yep. I got engaged when I was only 19. Before you start calling me a child bride and mentally conjuring up images of an woman in a "Little House on the Prairie" style bonnet, keep in mind that 1) I'm not actually married yet and 2) why does my age of marriage produce such a visceral, unpleasant reaction for you?

There are a lot of things regarding this topic I'll never understand.


Navigating Self-Esteem

Before my junior year of high school, I was a mess of emotions, cripplingly low self-esteem, and weird internet inspired t-shirts. I thought I was never going to be the "first choice" of the boys in my circle (a title I realize now to be highly overrated), and often used my sharp wit and obnoxious voice to prevent any potential suitors from thinking I was even open to the idea of being one of their "options" (so we're all clear, people are not options).


Why Is Writing So Hard?

I want to get into a blogging groove. Much like many of the other things I pine for (a car, a bedside chocolate fountain, a Chicago address) it often seems like an unattainable dream. It's an elusive goal, hiding on the other side of a lot of hard work I can't even begin to think how to start upon. Between going to class full-time, working full-time, and whining full-time, I barely have time to catch my breath as it is (God knows I haven't done the dishes in far too long).